The church that is reaching out... uplift Christ our Savior
The church that is reaching out... uplift Christ our Savior
Gilgal Baptist Church
Gilgal Baptist Church was organized on September 28, 1828. Over the years research has been conducted in how the name Gilgal was chosen but without confirmation. There were very few churches in Tuscaloosa County in the year of 1827. In fact only five churches existed: Grant's Creek, Big Creek, Bethel, First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, and Sardis. In 1828 the early settlers of the Duncanville community built a log house. The log house became Gilgal Baptist Church. The work was led by Daniel Swindle, James Beams, and Dixon Loggins. When the log house was completed the question arose as to what denomination the church would be. Mr. Beams discussed the doctrines of different denominations and left the decision to Mr. Swindle and Mr. Loggins who felt after much thought to follow the Baptist doctrine.
In September 1828 what is presently known as Gilgal was constituted with thirteen members. Mr. Joab Pratt was asked to preach for the church. The three men who led building the church, Mr. Beams, Mr. Loggins, and Mr. Swindle are buried side by side in the church cemetery.
In 1834 Cahaba Association met with Gilgal Church. After the Association adjourned, a revival was held which lasted 11 days. It was the greatest meeting known in this county. There were 130 people saved and Gilgal was blessed with 67 members, Sixty-three others united with local area churches.
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In March of 1854 a committee was appointed to look into the cost and extent of repairs for the meeting house. The committee reported it would be best to build a new church. Following this decision, in June 1854 an agreement was contracted with Mr. Robert Jemison, Jr. to build a new church for $1,600.00. During the April 1856 conference, the committee reported the church was completed and paid for. It still stands today as part of the Gilgal Baptist Church Complex.
Gilgal voted to build a new house of worship in the Spring of 1965. Sadly, the first service held was the funeral of Pastor Billy Ryan who was killed in an automobile accident. In 1986 the church added and occupied a new modern three-story Educational Building. The new facility accommodates approximately 500 for Bible Study and training.